Trump Super PAC Targets Nikki Haley with Negative Ads in New Hampshire as Primary Race Intensifies

Nikki Haley wants to address climate change not by reducing carbon, but capturing it - The Washington Post

The super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump, known as Make America Great Again Inc., is preparing to launch negative ads targeting Nikki Haley in New Hampshire. This marks the first time the group is going negative against Trump’s former UN ambassador, indicating her growing prominence in the early primary state.

The ad, titled “Really,” is set to start running on Tuesday in the Boston media market, which covers most of New Hampshire. Recent polls have shown Haley rising in the GOP ranks in New Hampshire and securing the endorsement of the state’s Republican governor, Chris Sununu. However, Donald Trump still leads by a significant margin in most polls.

Make America Great Again Inc. has not been active on New Hampshire’s airwaves since late June but is now increasing its ad spending, reserving over $2.1 million in airtime for the next three weeks.

In response to the negative ad campaign, Nikki Haley tweeted, “Two days ago, Donald Trump denied our surge in New Hampshire existed. Now, he’s running a negative ad against me. Someone’s getting nervous. #BringIt.”

The super PAC’s spokeswoman, Karoline Leavitt, accused Haley of lying about taxes and her candidacy, stating, “We won’t let another tax-and-spend politician try to fool the voters.”

This move by Make America Great Again Inc. follows attacks against Haley by other Republican candidates during a recent GOP debate, and a pro-Ron DeSantis super PAC, Fight Right, has also been working to discredit her to voters.

Despite the negative ads, Nikki Haley remains a strong contender in the New Hampshire primary, and the race continues to heat up as the primary date approaches.

Source: NBC news

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